Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Clan O'Connell and Mai Tai's in Maui

Hey well I have been a sad sack -moping around crying for days... Finally something to look forward to! My birthday in Maui, my favorite place on Earth.
(Well, besides home).

The boys and I and our lovely Jenny are off to Maui for 7 days.
We booked the trip, pos space last year, before we knew Nick was sick.
All paid for- non refundable, so we're going!
So grateful for Jenny, our bundle of Joy who is coming along with us, so we're not so lonely.

We'll miss you guys and we'll post some photos for you.

We're staying at the Wailea Palms in West Maui.

We've booked a snorkle tour to Molokini for Friday.

Other than that, we're gonna
and breathe in that warm tropical scented air...

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes- I love you too!
