Monday, October 19, 2009

ONE OF THOSE DAYS.... Well, it's just difficult some days.  You wake up (if you ever slept at all) and just feel like you've been run over by a freight train.

We had chemo Thursday, Neulasta shot and radiation oncology check up Friday- then company Friday night through Sunday.  About 5 minutes after everyone left- things just went down hill.

Nick's pain went from 4 to 14 and nausea set in, along with the achy bones.  He's usually a good patient, until the pain gets bad and then he just wants what he can't have.  It's a delicate balancing act and we usually do that dance pretty well- not today for some reason.

In the roller coaster ride that fighting cancer is- we are on the the long, winding trip down hill, backwards and upside down.

To top it off Lucas woke up ill with a fever, and this is payroll day- so somehow I have got to get to work.

I guess there are days when the caregiver needs a hand up.  Or a big fat valium that brings sleep and rest.

As much as we love our friends and enjoy their company- it takes a huge energry drain on all of us- the patient and his family.

Today our prayer is for rest and relief.

Thanks for reading, thanks for caring-


  1. Sounds like you're running on empty...and we know that when you run, you're going at 110% just to keep the family O'Connell on course. We don't have a stash of Valium, but Peter and I can't wait to extend that hand up to you. Hang in there, we've got your back, Kimberley.

  2. Hi Kimberley, I hope you were able to get some much needed rest and that things are better now. Peter and Adele will arrive tomorrow and I know they want you to put them to work to help in any way they can. Use the chance to get some recover your strength. I sure hope Lucas is feeling better..lots of love, Ozzie

  3. about needing rest. Looks like I need to proof read what I post! I left out a few words but I know you got my drift! My wishes for you are to get some extra sleep under your belt and to be able to regroup your energy. :) love, Ozzie
